Staked Out: Contemporary Basketry
I’m so honored to have been invited to participate in this show at Blue Spiral 1 Gallery in Asheville, NC. Be sure to click to read more and get the links to the online component.
I’m so honored to have been invited to participate in this show at Blue Spiral 1 Gallery in Asheville, NC. Be sure to click to read more and get the links to the online component.
I’m so honored to have been juried into the Craft Boston : Fiber Stories online exhibition and sale produced by the Society for Arts + Crafts in Boston.
Wow, I just about fell over when I saw this article about me in the Albuquerque Journal. What an amazing July 4th, 2021 surprise!
I’m pleased to announce that I’m now on the board of the National Basketry Organization! It’s a wonderful community of makers and collectors of all forms of basketry.
I’ve gotten invited by a number of Guilds across the country to present about African baskets from my project Baskets of Africa, and also about my own baskets.
Each video is about 4 to 7 minutes and is focused on one topic. I’m making the videos short like this so you can easily jump straight to the topic you need help with.
In July of 2019 I had the immense pleasure of attending the National Basketry Organization conference and took classes from Flo Hoppe.
Thank you to the judges at the 2019 Albuquerque Fiber Arts Fiesta! I was honored to receive First Place, Judge’s Choice, and Best of Show for one of my baskets!
Two of my baskets have been selected for the juried exhibit “Basketry Now: 10th Anniversary Exhibit” by the National Basketry Organization.
I’m so pleased to announce that one of my baskets was juried into the show “Twisting Fibers: An Art for All Reasons” presented by Art League Rhode Island.